Category Archives: Thing I Think Thursday

Things I Think – Thursday – Everything Happens for a Reason

My Pleasure My New Friend

At the end of January I made a trip out to Phoenix, AZ. While I would love to tell you that my sole intention was to run the Battlefrog AZ race and test my injuries. Frankly, that would be a lie. I went out there to have a “Say Anything” moment and tell someone my true feelings that I would regret if I never did. Well I said what I had to say and to no avail, I left AZ a changed man in more ways than one.

When I arrived to the Battlefrog, I had a heavy heart and I felt like I had been kicked in the head all night. Besides going through my personal issues, I was sick and instead of getting better after I arrived, I was progressively getting worse. Having a horrible case of bronchitis, nursing an injury and basically feeling like a worthless piece of crap, I toed the line and set off on my AZ adventure.

Do you know that phrase “everything happens for a reason?” Sometimes I wonder what that reason usually is. On this day I actually found a couple of reasons for why things turned out the way they did. So while this trip seemed to be a burnout in the desert, it actually turned into a life altering experience that brought joy to my heart and made me realize why I started doing these races to begin with.

Just exactly at the 1-mile mark of this race, I ran into a fellow runner as we both were coming off an obstacle and our watches both beeped the first mile was over. We struck up a conversation and he asked me if I minded if he ran with me. I usually run alone or I am racing others and we never speak during a race, but today was not about racing, truth be told, I was just there to play on the obstacles and get out of the house and try and have fun.

So this is where my life will be forever changed. I don’t consider myself to be this great “Elite” type of runner, in fact, I am just happy most days to hold my own in the “Masters” division.  While talking with my new running buddy Jamie, he told me this was his first race ever. I mean seriously, this was his first race ever, not first Battlefrog or OCR, this was his first race of any kind by way of running…EVER! I remember telling him he picked one hell of a race to start running. He told me he had initially signed up with a group of guys who wanted to prove to themselves that they could complete this race.  Unfortunately for him, everyone bailed on him. He was faced with not going or going and running alone.  So of course he did what anyone would do, he set off by himself.

During the next 5-miles together I learned a lot about my new friend. He is a Youth Pastor for starters, which is why this adventure we had made a huge impact on my life. You see, when we started running, walking and talking, I told him I wasn’t going fast but if he wanted to hang with me, I would show him all the tricks to beat the obstacles. So that is exactly what we did. I showed him feet techniques for the rope climbs, monkey bar techniques, Tip of the spear and more.  This was honestly the best part of the race for me. I am a coach at heart and having someone who wants to learn and try without question was a great experience. We didn’t exactly get everything as planned, but it was a blast trying!

During our Walkabout as I like to call it, we spoke about a lot of things, mostly me and my personal relationships and what was bothering me. He posed one question to me and try as I might to answer that question, in the end he simply said he still had not heard the answer. That made me think even harder about everything.  For miles we talked about life, we played like kids on obstacles and we finished the race. While I also listened to his story of bad luck and relationship woes, he left me by saying he was praying that I would clearly know which direction to go.

In the end, while he thinks I was a blessing from God, he told me God sent me to guide him and help him on this day. He told me I was a great coach and motivator and he didn’t understand why God wanted him to run alone, but now he does. I don’t see it that way, I see it as he saved me.  He showed me why I got in this sport to begin with. Why I love this sport of OCR so much, the people you meet, having fun on the obstacles and helping others. For me this was not an OCR but an adventure. I fell in love with everything all over again, just like I did with my first race in 2010.

Thank you my friend, when I was feeling doom and gloom, you actually made me see some light and helped me understand the path I was on. When I returned home, I returned to a friend who was waiting with open arms to start my healing process. Someone who despite my flaws and this odyssey I went on, understood and was there to comfort me.

I am now on a new path, a path with no ending in sight. I am not sure if God is leading the way as Jamie would say, but I’m pretty happy none the less.

Footnote: I heard from Jamie a few weeks later and his text was simple:

“I am going to talk about you in chapel today and tell them how you were a blessing to me on the obstacle course. Hope things are going well”

Thank you my friend, you showed me what I was not seeing because my judgement was cloudy and in the end I found happiness where I wasn’t really looking!

Things I Think – Thursday – Please Stop the Madness!

Thinking out Loud!

I saw this article the other day which was 6 Total A**hole Moves People Make When They’re Getting Healthy. I have to say it was spot on. I’ve been thinking of this post for some time because, well I’m really annoyed with some of my Facebook friends.

Oh gosh, yes I said it. I know some of my friends don’t get it, some are very simple and only have family and close friends with whom they interact with. Me on the other hand, I add people daily, most of them are OCR or fitness related and some I’ve never met. Most people can’t comprehend why I do that. Well it’s simple, I meet people and I like to meet more folks with my same set of hobbies. With that being said, people you have to stop the narcissism, I mean really, I know I post a lot of selfies or usies with friends, I know I post where I go and what I do, but Facebook is meant to share your life with people you care about. So I do…but here are the posts I’m getting so tired of seeing and some of you need to reevaluate your existence.

The workout pics & videos EVERY SINGLE DAY.


Hey, I totally get it, some of you are proud of what you are doing, I completely understand, I am too. But seriously, give me a break. Dear all OCR friends, WE ALL WORKOUT! Yes we do, we basically have to, I don’t need to see it everyday, I mean I know you do this everyday or you wouldn’t be running so many races. I don’t need to see you box jumping, snatching, mirror selfies at the gym, burpee videos, trail running or your workout times from your watch. It’s pretty much a given you do that everyday. I mean you don’t post pictures of you at work “crushing those TPS reports.” Unless you are a trainer and posting to help others or WOD’s (which you need a professional page then) I don’t care, I don’t think anyone does. Please stop it! I would rather know more about you, other hobbies and interests you have. If you are in a relationship, show it for Christs sake, stop acting like you are single. I want to see your family, kids, adventures outside of OCR or races you run. Be real.

IG/Facebook cross posting.

circle-quote5So many of you do this and it drives me insane. As someone who is involved in social media daily (as a job), for the love of God, stop posting on Instagram and pushing it to Facebook. On occasion it is okay, but every single time is just annoying. Okay, I’ll explain, here’s why:

Facebook = sharing your life,

Instagram = sharing your life through pictures.

With that being said, you probably have a ton of the same people following or friends with you on both places. I don’t need to like your pic on FB and then run over to IG and like the same pic. When I see you post from IG on FB, that tells me it’s in both places, my mind automatically says, like it on FB, ignore on IG. I say this because all of us are the same, we all want likes and as many as possible. Yes you know you do, you want a ton of likes, most of us are wired that way, it makes us feel good to know people care about our pictures and thus us.  So…be unique on IG, don’t always post the same pictures, make me want to look in both places, I guarantee you will start getting more likes.

Sponsor Tagging in every picture

circle-quote4Speaking of IG and FB, please, please, please stop sponsor tagging on every post. Seriously!! Again, I get it, we all do. You are either giving us a buyer discount (which you get a kickback) or you are sponsored by them. I understand you might get paid or have to post a quota on social media and I get race pics, I’m okay with that…but come on man, every picture? Really? It kind of goes back to showing me you are more than an athlete and seriously none of you are Amelia freaking Boone or Ryan Atkins and they don’t do it that often. Plus YOU ARE NOT A PROFESSIONAL ATHLETE! There I said it, you are a weekend warrior at best and it pays for this expensive hobby. Stop looking like a NASCAR add, it’s honestly annoying. So if you take my advice and start posting more life pics, please don’t post a pic of your kids school play or your dinner/movie date night and also tell me how I can get 10% off of ORAL IV.

Professional Athlete Pages

circle-quote3Which leads me to the “Professional athlete pages”…seriously stop it. OCR has more pro athlete pages than any other sport ever. Okay I made that up, but seriously only about 10% of the people in this sport actually need them. Plus, nobody cares, I can’t speak for everyone, but I am pretty sure most of your friends will tell you – we don’t like looking at two different locations about your life. What is really funny is when you have to share what you said on your Athlete Page on your personal timeline just so people will see it…isn’t that the reason you created your AP, so you could keep your private life and athlete life separate? Facebook changed the Algorhythms within the past couple of years and fan pages are basically obsolete these days. Even for big brands, unless you are paying Facebook to advertise, less than 5% of your actual fans will see your posts unless they physically click on your page and look. The fan page is useless and again, you really are not a professional athlete or brand and who wants to update in two places all of the time?

Stop living in the past!

circle-quote1So you want some advice on how to use Facebook and Instagram? Well for starters, stop living in the past. It all started with Throwback Thursday, then it was Flashback Friday, now I see Way back Wednesday & Memory Monday. People please stop it! Start living in the present and future, stop living in the past and showing me the same stuff you already did. Plus there are rules to Throwback Thursday, the first being that your pics need to be at least 4-years old! Yes those are the rules! Not last week or last month or last year. 4-years people! This was started as a way to show great pictures of your youth, those pics which some of us have still on real actual photographs, and Polaroids. Those pictures before everything went digital. Come on get creative, there are 52 weeks this year, pick past holidays, birthdays or when you lost your first tooth! (Yes I have that one)

As for the other days, just stop it. You can’t be remembering things everyday, it makes me feel like you hate your life and all your good times were in the days of yore.

Put your shirt on!

circle-quote2To some of my friends, please put your shirt on! Yes, to all my bromance bro’s, for all that you hold sacred in this world, put your shirt on.  Don’t get me wrong, your abs look great, your pecs are on point but COME ON MAN! I understand all the race pics, but then you add in your workout pics (even the staged ones where it’s so obvious you took off your shirt for a picture), and your running pics and any other pic you take where your shirt is off! If people like you, they will like you with a shirt on, trust me, we all love you for your personality! I liked your running picture yesterday without a shirt on and the day before that and the week before that. It’s snowing outside and you have no shirt on…seriously? Maybe it’s because I’m uncomfortable posting pics without mine on, but come on, not every pic.

Okay my rant is over, I have been sitting on this stuff for awhile and my head just exploded and it feels so good. I know people probably block my feed, I get that, not everyone cares about my races and I tend to post a crap ton of race pictures. I also try to keep it real and post other things about my life, I do have other hobbies other than running and racing believe it or not.

My Name is Travis and I talk to strangers.

Things I Think – Thursday July 23, 2015

Lost Stars

Today I struggled to think of something to write about. There is a ton of stuff going on right now and most of the time I feel like I may sound like a broken record. You mainly get to see all of the good times going on, the world traveler, the obstacle racer and the motorcycle rider. It is rare that I let down the veil and show you my feelings, if I do it usually revolves around a woman, or seems to be that way to me. Ain’t nobody got time for that, seems to be the thought that comes to mind when I want to rant about my issues.

So my original post was going to be titled “Is life really too short?” and I was going to write about how everyday I see people posting about living life, enjoying life and life is short so live life to the fullest. Because this has been my motto since 2009 when my best friend committed suicide. It was then that I decided I was not going to just sit on the couch and miss life, miss the things I loved doing and the adventures I wanted to have.

But while pondering this topic and everything I would want to say, I couldn’t get this song out of my head. I first heard it last week and I immediately loved the music aspect of it. Then I watched the movie over the weekend (Begin Again) and I can’t get this song out of my head. No matter what I do, every morning this week I have woken up singing this song. No matter what I dreamed the night before, it doesn’t matter…I am singing this song to start each day.  With that I decided since it was on my mind so much I was going to dissect this song lyrics and see why I relate so well.

So now you have watched it, what you do think? Some of the words don’t make sense to me, but most of them do and it is pretty scary. Of course I had to GTS and see what I could find out regarding the true meaning of this song and as I thought, astrology comes into play.  I am not going to go line by line but the main first verse and a couple lines in the second. So lets go!

Please don’t see just a boy caught up in dreams and fantasies

So here I am basically asking you to look past my immature side and how I dream and fantasize all the time. I want you to see the real me.

Please see me reaching out for someone I can’t see

Well, obviously you couldn’t see past my dreams and fantasies and left my ass. So now I realize what I lost and I want you back, so I am reaching out to you and I really want you to see that.

Take my hand let’s see where we wake up tomorrow

Best laid plans sometimes are just a one night stand

My favorite part of the song, because this is truly how I am, I want you to take my hand and lets just go have fun. Sometimes we don’t need to make a ton of plans, wing it. Although that is newer to me, I do like that too.  I definitely want someone to just take that leap of faith and have an experience with me. This truly is the “Living in the Moment” type of thing we all need in our lives.

I’d be damned, Cupid’s demanding back his arrow

So we all know cupid shoots only arrows of love and when hit, you fall in love with the next person you see. So if he is demanding it back then that means what? Does it mean that love has deteriorated for one of us? It seems like it is just one arrow he is wanting back, seeing as it isn’t plural, and the “I’d be damned” line, I can only conclude that its my partners love which is slowly dying away. I think it also implies that I am scared about the whole losing my lover and feeling like I will be damned when she leaves.

So let’s get drunk on our tears

I think this refers to the enjoying each other wholly. Acting crazy, being silly, getting past the sorrow and just getting drunk from taking in every piece of sadness you have had together. Creating new happiness and putting everything behind you based on the adventure which was asked to be had earlier.

circle-lightbulbSo that got real deep real quick. How do I relate all of that to myself? Well maybe there is someone who didn’t see me as I wanted them to and as a result they pulled away. They may have no clue that I am really standing here reaching out for them. But I know that they know, I am the adventurous type and maybe all we need is a live in the moment adventure, something we both love to do, to get this back on the rails. No itineraries, no made plans, just get in the car and go. It could be a race, a road-trip or something we just always wanted to do. I understand you may have given cupid back his arrow but I have not and I’ll be damned if I am going away without a fight and trying to win you over by getting “Drunk” on our memories (tears), they all were not bad you know.

Verse Two

Who are we? Just a speck of dust within the galaxy?
Woe is me, if we’re not careful turns into reality

So the ole “woe is me” line, yes we all feel sorry for ourselves from time to time and if we are not careful, we will start believing it and then you are screwed.

Don’t you dare let our best memories bring you sorrow

We all have memories with people we love or loved. But it is obvious here, don’t let the best ones you have make you sad. Embrace them as happy times.

Yesterday I saw a lion kiss a deer

I think this is one of those “hey anything is possible” statements and don’t give up just yet, you should believe in anything.

Turn the page maybe we’ll find a brand new ending
Where we’re dancing in our tears

Going along with the previous line, I really think that if you believe in the “anything is possible” then why can’t you believe that we may have another shot at love? Maybe it was just the end of a chapter and not the end of a book. So turn the page and we can start a new chapter. A new chapter where we are dancing in our memories, the good ones and create new ones.

circle-lightbulbWell not as deep as the first verse, but here is my take on it.  I can’t sit here and feel sorry for myself if you don’t want to be with me or my whole life will turn into that type of mindset. And while yes I am probably looking at pictures and videos and thinking of all of the great times we had, I shouldn’t let that make me sad, I should rather remember those times and cherish that I was able to have them at all. But I should also realize that anything is possible and just because we are not together today doesn’t mean our story is over. It just may not have been our time yet, but I have hope that maybe it was just the end of a chapter and not the end of the story.  So we should be dancing in our sadness and rejoicing at the possibility of a new beginning.

I found this synopsis by another person and I thought I would share because they went way deeper than I did. So here is another version of what this song means:

The obvious symbols in this song are stars, constellations, astrological signs (Aries and Leo). I think this is a story between a sheep and lion representing two lovers. Their love seemed ideal, as compatible together as Aries and Leo in horoscopes, but this song is more about separation of two lovers when they were young (“I thought I heard you out there crying”). The singer now wonders if there can be reconciliation, as he is also feeling regretful (“Just the same”).

The song poses a question: No matter the differences between two people, can it ever be that they can still love each other? As it alludes to the Bible, that a lion lie down with a lamb? (“Lion kiss a deer”) There is a similarity here.

The answer: Young love can have partners that are selfish, too idealistic, and believing in fate without compromising. Partners break off their relationship then and there.

Now when he is older, the singer realizes that the relationship he had before was great, and that a truly ideal lover is rare to find. If fate comes once in a million years, the YOUNG lambs who are “searching for meaning” are wasting their youth trying to find it. They are running from the differences (running from lions in the “hunting season”) when they should actually not run away, and make compromises.

In conclusion: Have a little give or compromise in love. Otherwise, it is the common mistake that people make, and become like lost stars. Only a few people will click 100%, like lucky stars in the sky belonging together in a constellation, and who have met fate. The numerous rest of us are just shining.

And does it really matter? You can barely tell apart a constellation from the rest of the stars. The lesson is that there is happiness in love even when it’s not perfect.

I was going to go on about the chorus to, but I think the song is pretty clear after all of this…we are not together and we should be. We made mistakes, maybe we were young, maybe we were misunderstood in how we expressed ourselves and made a poor choice or maybe we got cold feet and ran away. Needless to say, maybe there is always hope in round two and the “Next chapter” in life can be better than the first. Oh yeah and I see you, seeing me, seeing you and I hear you calling my name and crying…could just be the smoke in your eyes and all the loud music playing in this bar. Just sayin’…but wouldn’t it be nice if life were like the movies?

Or if it is like the movie and there was cheating involved, then you are the guy who cheated and now realized that you had something awesome and you pissed it away being a rockstar. In that case, yeah it is going to be hard buddy. So good luck with that!

Here is more music I found that talks about living life. So give it a listen and enjoy!


Greg Holden – Hold on Tight

Zac Brown Band – Tomorrow Never Comes

By the way, click the link on the song to watch the video.

My name is Travis and I talk to strangers

Things I Think – Thursday – PA Road-trip Edition

11 States, 3368 Miles, 2-Races, 1-Speeding Ticket

Every once and awhile you need to take a road trip and experience what this great country has to offer you. If you are lucky enough then you can take your time and explore some of the great things that are out there. So, while we had to do a cannonball run up to PA and back, it was without a doubt a fun trip filled with adventure and laughs.

Initially I was going to travel alone as I could not find anyone to travel with me, then my good friend Natasha from Making Natasha a Spartan said she has nothing else going on and since we choose to LIVE OUR LIFE, off we went.  Life is too short these days and without knowing if another opportunity like this would ever happen for her, it was awesome she wanted to go.


OIMG_5039ur first state was Louisiana. We stopped in Shreveport first and we had a few items we needed to see, so off we went! Here is our list:

  • 14-Story Mural – this is the largest mural in the United States. It was created in 2000 and contains 19 people and 40 objects, capturing the people of Shreveport, their treasures, triumphs, and tragedies.IMG_5043
  • Giant Dalmatian -“Art” is 19-foot-tall statue peeking in the window of the Central ARTSTATION. He is said to be the guardian of the arts in Northwest Louisiana.  At night the spots light up in the dark!

The other highlight of this city was see what is claimed to be the only “World’s only Tattoo School”. I am not sure about this one and I can’t make this up I swear, but this little jewel deserves its own photo, well just cause it makes you think about who would actually go in and get tattooed by one of these “students”? I had an apprentice give me a tattoo once and I had to have it redone because it was so bad and looked nothing like the picture I had picked out. Needless to say we did not get any new ink!



IMG_5156We then made our way on to Monroe, LA and no road trip would be complete without seeing the Duck Dynasty place. It was shocking how it was the same building you see on TV. The loading docks and everything. I was not surprised that they sell everything under the sun in products. They have their label on just about everything there.


So the only cool thing we stopped to see here was the great Mississippi River. Oh and there was a cool ass cannon at the top of the hill too! Otherwise there wasn’t really any cool roadside attractions we found on our route.




Sorry Alabama, but we kinda flew through your state and we didn’t stop to see anything. Not that we didn’t have a couple of items on the list, but by the time we got to Birmingham, everything was closed and it was dark out. But we did have these two places…maybe next time.

  • Statue of Liberty Replica
  • World’s largest Motorcycle Museum

Traveling at night through a state makes it very difficult to actually experience anything. Especially when you are driving in the wee hours of the night.  On the return trip it was more of the same, we entered the state in the early morning hours and left at 0600.


Sorry Virginia, while I am sure you have a lot to offer since you are made for lovers, we were on a mission to get to Phily to see some cool stuff.


Your morning traffic sucks! We didn’t see much because of it.. I know you have some cool stuff and things, maybe on a different trip.

District of Columbia

The only non state we visited, we drove right though and waved. I will admit that I did hold my breath through the Fort McHenry Tunnel, just to see if I could. I did and I didn’t pass out thank goodness!


I think I sneezed and we were already out of the state.


PA how I am growing to love you. I don’t think I had been to PA since I was 16 and now I have been there twice within a months span. Opposite ends of the state but I never thought I would say I was in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh (even if Pitt was just the airport).

So off to Phily and yes I had to refrain from yelling “How ’bout them cowboys!” for the fear of being stoned by batteries! But none the less we were able to take in a few sights.

  • IMG_5483Rocky Statue – no trip would be complete without visiting the statue and going up the steps. While I had this whole video parody planned, it just was not as feasible as it was in  my head. Next time I will take a film crew! But we did get to see the statue and walk up the steps.  There was also this really cool statue at the foot of the museum and I took some rather interesting pics there too!  So some of the funnier things to happen was watching Natasha look both ways before crossing the street and then walking out in front of a bicycle. While I yelled ” Waiiiitt” in slow motion voice, somehow they just missed each other and she stopped before crushing into the bike.
  • IMG_5579Love Park – this was cool, we saw this love statue and what could be better then a rally for legalizing pot! I kid you not, they had flags, big ass bongs and legalize it everywhere. Of course it was right were all of us “tourists” were trying to take our pictures and they were annoying. It was definitely a hodge podge collection of people, because you also had kids playing in the fountains like it was a water park and the homeless hanging out like they were on the couch watching TV.

quote  “Have you seen a big bell around here? It has a crack in it, maybe bronze in color?”

  • IMG_5549Liberty Bell – now this was probably the most interesting part of the trip as we found the plaza where the phone said it was; however, it was not visible as I thought it would be. My co-pilot who has since been nick named Magellan for her awesome navigational skills (NOT), was lost getting there, so I basically rolled down my window and asked the question “have you seen a bell around here? It has a crack in it, maybe bronze in color?” Needless to say that after circling the block no less than three times, getting honked at at every green light because we didn’t take off like a bat out of hell, we finally parked and found our precious bell.

I am having a hard time finding this to the city of brotherly love when people drive in walking lanes, almost run over a man in a wheelchair and don’t give a crap.  One of the other funnier moments in the trip had to be when I was trying to find the bell and I casually say, where is this damn bell and Magellan responds with “what smell?” Oh that’s great, the wax in your ears is working perfectly! (she had an ear infection and put wax in her ears) It reminded me of my grandma who was hard of hearing and never heard anything correctly…so this became the new joke of the trip, yes I can’t ever let anything go.

At this point there is only one last thing we need to get before we can take off and make the final destination…you guessed it, the Philadelphia Cheesesteak sandwich. So I asked a local where we should go, the suggestion was “the best” in the city a small place called Jim’s. So we ventured a few blocks and found said Jim’s. Now the first thing you need to know about Jim’s is that they are cash only, well it is a good thing they keep an ATM in the lobby for losers like us who NEVER CARRY ANY DAMN CASH! So we get the sandwich and head upstairs to eat. Now I am not going to say it was a bad sandwich, okay it was a horrible sandwich, I think I have made better ones myself! It was dry and needed salt as it was tasteless. Anyway I am sure it was the best cheesesteak in Philly at one time, actually I know it was, they had a plaque on the wall, “Best Cheesesteak Sandwich, 1979” so there you go, in 1979 they ruled this place!

Spartan Race

What can I say, this is probably a totally different blog post because this was a different kind of race I have not experienced in a long time. So lets just say, I participated in two races and I completed two races and they were on a ski resort. Made me kinda wish it was the winter time again so that I could ski!

Return Trip

So during our trip my shotgun rider took sick and we had to take her to the ER on Saturday and combine that with some family issues going on in Texas, we bolted right after the race on Sunday to get home as soon as possible. For the most part we took our state sign selfies to add to the collection, had another late night waffle house experience and got a speeding ticket!

Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia, Tennessee, Arkansas, Texas

Here are the states which were traveled through…nothing exciting except for rest stops and fuel. The bandit was on a mission, had to get back to Texas, family was waiting.

But…that is not to say we didn’t have a few highlights along the way, yes we truly are a comedy of errors and you can’t say that I won’t show you a good time.

  • So we were at this restaurant called Westy Bar & Grill, you know grabbing lunch before the trek home. Anyway they are having a wing special and the menu says flat out “the biggest wings in PA!” Well shit! I gotta have some of them, oh yeah and they are known for their hamburgers. If you know me and my quest for the best burger, hell why not, I’ll take the wings and the burger.  Well without giving a whole burger review (because it doesn’t deserve it) it was not that good. Oh yeah and the wings looked like normal wings you get anywhere, I have had bigger at hooters. Well everything is bigger at hooters! bada-bing!
  • IMG_5840Tasha gets a speeding ticket. Okay so let me set the stage…I’m sleeping. I am suddenly awoken by the rumble strips and I open my eyed to blue lights flashing. Still in a foggy state, Magellan is freaking out because she got pulled over. I have to say I have never laughed so hard in my life while receiving a speeding ticket. Maybe it was the combination of the very thick southern accent the Virginia State trooper had, combined with Natasha’s instantly blonde demeanor acting like she was the most clueless driver on the planet. Well here are a few of the highlights:

circle-dartSpeeding 85 in a 70, we were advised that anything 85 and over is considered reckless driving in the great state of Virginia. Which carries a $2500 fine and or Jail. He also advised he could take her to jail right now if he wanted to. After he leaves I get this “I can’t go to jail Travis, I just can’t go to jail”…ha ha…

circle-dartHe asks for her license and registration. She gives him her license and a copy of her personal insurance. He tells her that is great but he wants the registration. I advise him it is in the window, at this point Natasha grabs the flier from the Spartan race and tries to give it to him. If I had been drinking anything it would have been all over my dashboard. I calmly say, no it is the sticker in the window. To which the response was “they don’t give you a paper copy in Texas along with the Sticker?”

circle-dartSo he cuts her a favor and writes her up for 80 in a 70.


circle-dartWhen asked why she was speeding she calmly says she was just keeping up with traffic. I mentioned about how fast she was going to which her response was, “I don’t look at the speed-odometer, I just keep up with traffic”

IMG_5837circle-dartThe best part of the stop was when he goes back to his car and we both bust out out cameras to take selfies with the blue lights in the background. “did you get a good shot?” “No, did you?” “No, I wish he would turn off that stupid spot light!” I think we both took several shots and I can only image what it looked like from the rear, two cameras and arms up taking pictures!

circle-dartUpon completion, I calmly asked the trooper if he would take a selfie with me, I mentioned it would be the perfect end to our epic roadtrip. He politely refused and told us to drive safe!…Dang it!

So there you have it, after that, it was a pretty calm trip home. We will take with us the memories of this and all of the great state signs that were captured to add to our collection!



So there was as usual a ton of pushback about taking Natasha with me, as people just don’t understand why she does crazy things like this. I am sure I am a hated person as it seems to always be on my watch that the adventures kick in and something arises to cause concern to everyone. So while yes, I can tell you I am greatly concerned about the health of my friend, but sometimes you can’t predict what the future holds for any of us. Any of us could kick the bucket tomorrow and who wants to have regrets? Certainly not me.

While many see this trip as something crazy and hazardous to her health, she viewed it simply as a way to escape from all of the pain she encountered in her life lately. The prior week was filled with heartbreak on a family level. So sometimes people need a good get away to keep their mind off of things. We could never have predicted the complications which lead to taking her to the ER and then checking herself out to get home.

After all of the complications we encountered on this adventure, Natasha has the can do attitude and one comment that will always resonate with me long after she has left us.  When she yelled at me “I am not going to just lay in bed and wait to die!” a cord was struck down to my bones, which although I was very concerned, it made me realize just how much of a fighter this woman was and she is going to live her life. No my friend you are not, your illness does not define who you are and you are going to do whatever you want, even if it does literally kill you one day. Until then, I cherish all of the times we have had and I look forward to many more.

My name is Travis and I talk to strangers!

Things I Think – Thursday July 4th Edition!

 Marriage, Flags, Pizza, Coffee and Star Wars

There seems to be such an influx of news this past week, it is hard to not get caught up in some of it. Regardless, you will get my two cents so love me or leave me. Yes it is July 4th weekend and there are bound to be a bunch of fireworks here so keep reading!


circle-dartGay Marriage, seems to be the topic of the week so let’s just dive right into that. Here are my thoughts…I honestly do not care. At the end of the day it really doesn’t affect me or my everyday life and it doesn’t threaten my well being and honestly why do you care so much if you are against it? It’s not your life and would you like it if everyone judged your life? I really don’t care what the bible says, so stop quoting scripture to me, again it doesn’t affect you does it? For every quote you find, I could probably find more. If you take this one thing literally then wouldn’t you have to take everything that way? I mean you can’t pick and choose what want to abide by. Seriously, I mean we would be stoning people for divorces and I could bring up several items which just do not make literal sense, it just can’t happen. So leave religion out of it, if two people love each other and want to get married, more power to them, I don”t care about their sex or race for that matter. Love is love and who are we to stand in the way or judge people or actually condemn them. No one is forcing you to go to the weddings, no one is going to make you participate or get involved in anything you don’t want to.

Speaking of Marriage, my parents just celebrated their 47th wedding anniversary, all I can say is congrats to them. Sure they have their ups and downs like most couples, but you know what? That is effing amazing! I hope I find someone to love and who loves me back and I can spend that amount of time with. There is still time for me, I mean I do plan on living well over 100!

Confederate Flag

circle-dartWith all of this talk about the confederate flag, I had an interesting conversation with my father about it. Having a 26 year age gap can sometimes be very enlightening to get the perspective from someone who is from a totally different era than I am. So he asked me this simple question “what does the flag mean to you?”

It struck me as an odd question but then I stated thinking what does it mean to me? Because I have several thoughts that go through my mind and as I started to answer with a historical meaning, I was interrupted and again asked, “not what you think it stands for, but when you see it what do you think?”  Before I could answer I got a brief history lesson on the civil war (which I actually knew most of it) and then I started to think…when I see that flag what do I think of?

The first thing that comes to mind is the civil war and the confederates, but after that, I mean after I think of that small fraction of what the history of the flag is, I immediately have different thoughts and you are going to be shocked. You see, when I see that flag, all I really can think about are what we call redneck hillbillies who live in the mountains, drink moonshine, are typically prejudice, have no dental plan and wear overalls without shirts. Yes that is what I think of, uneducated people who in my opinion only make this world a worse place because of the miniscule beliefs they have. So no, in my mind I don’t want to be associated with those people, because typically they contribute about nothing to society.

quote   What does the flag mean to you?

Again this is just my first impression when asked that question. Now I do understand the history behind it and why some people want to have it in their lives because of heritage or maybe they like the design and whistle Dixie. I am not saying all people are like what I described but at the end of the day, that is what the flag means to me.

Photo Shoot

Recently a couple of my friends had photo shoots. One was for women over 40 and how sexy they still are and the others are just in the fitness industry or doing the bodybuilding/swimsuit competition stuff. Anyway, more and more I see all of these friends on Facebook with these kick ass pictures. Just this week I was asked for my Harley to be used in a shoot, someone wanted to have some pictures on a motorcycle…of course I said yes. Now how sad is that? My motorcycle will be in a legit photo shoot before me…I want a photo shoot!

Workout Pics

Here is just going to be a small rant I have, but mostly I just giggle. I follow and I am friends with a ton of OCR, fitness and athletic people. Now I understand if your job is a personal trainer and you post workouts for people to do, but most of us have jobs and workout when we can. But Lord Jesus do you have to post a pic every time you go to the gym? Do you really need to check in at the gym on Facebook everyday? I mean I get it, but you know what, I am in OCR and I am a competitive person, but I am not going to post pictures of me running or working out or whatever, I mean there is more to me than that. To me it is a given that I workout right? Do I really need to tell you? Seriously, I don’t see people posting that they are at work everyday? I mean I post a bunch of selfies and sure I do handstands if I am some place cool, but I really only post workout stuff if it was really cool. Here is my approach to all of this social media stuff…each platform is a snapshot of my life and yes I do post a ton of my race pictures because that is what I do for an activity obstacle warriorbut there is more to me than working out and running. That is what I want to start seeing from people, let me see your life as you celebrate it, let us all get to know you and not your sweaty gym pics.

On a side note, I am extremely excited to announce my ankle is healing and I started working out again, here is a pic! P.S. working out again makes me happy!

Star Wars

Star Wars makes me happy. The end! I attended a concert the other night where the Fort Worth Orchestra played start wars music and they finished with the main theme song. Sorry about the video (sorry it’s only on Facebook right now)…the fireworks totally threw me off. So yes, we had lightening, rain, fireworks, and a laser show…so cool!


In case you didn’t know, I love coffee. I start with my day with it every single day and if you want to show me mad love, then do it with coffee! I love going to new cafe’s so it’s not just all Starbucks and honestly the way to my heart is through coffee…just saying.

The love of Pizza

I know I have a section of my blog which is dedicated to finding the ultimate cheesebuger (frankly I am way behind on my reviews) but in case you didn’t know, I also love pizza.  I mean I seriously love the pie! I could eat pizza everyday! I am open to most types, but I am a meat lovers type of guy and I love to try new places or even the pizza trucks! So stay tuned for the best pizza section, because I am on a search for the best slice now!

And by the way, just throwing this out there, but I thought I was in heaven when I met a girl who loves pizza as much as me, runs, does OCR’s, likes adventure and travels…but you really had me at pizza!

Understanding women

yes or noI know what you are thinking…there is no understanding them. Just as I am sure they beat there heads against the wall trying to figure us out too. But at the end of the day I don’t remember trying to date someone being so difficult. What ever happened to the days when it was just a simple yes or no? Maybe that is what I need to do, go old school and write a note!

circle-lightbulbFun Fact – I hate making my bed, but have me over as a guest and I’ll make my bed every-time so you don’t think I’m a slob.

Long Distance

When I was kid it seemed like a long distance relationship was when you were not at school or she lived in the next town. Remember I grew up in a time with corded telephones, we had one main phone and it was in the kitchen, geez that was hard.

But these days I don’t consider it to be much of a big thing. I mean whether you are 4-hours or 20-hours away, I truly believe where there is a will there is a way (of course there must also be a connection). So I pose this question poll to everyone…

circle-question  Worth the ride or just avoid the roller-coaster?

I tend to think that if the person is worth it, then I go for it. Once I want to spend time with someone, I will rearrange my schedule to spend that time. Of course it helps that I can be very mobile with my company, but still, I look at this way, you really never know unless you give it a shot. So if I spend time and money traveling and it doesn’t work out, well then that happens. But I can promise you I will have a ton of memories to cherish and good times will be had. But also don’t get me wrong, I am still going to do my races, ride my motorcycles, workout and do things, I am just going to try and find a creative way to do it together, because no one like eating alone at Applebee’s!


So I think I am going to use this one from now on whenever some asks me what my biggest fear is! I mean I had to look it up and all I could think was…you couldn’t just tell me a big ass shark?


So I like these tunes this week because most of them have a cool summer vibe to them and they make me happy!

Magic – Let your hair down

Pharrell Williams – Come get it Bae

Slighty Stoopid – One bright Day

Heymous Molly – Life’s a Beach


Miguel – Coffee (F***ing)

Okay I hear this just this morning and it made me laugh and I couldn’t resist since I do love me some coffee!

Things I Think – Thursday Birthday Edition

Birthday Week in Retrospect

So another birthday is upon me and I love birthdays, I don’t shy away from them and in fact, I love to celebrate them. I know most people claim to celebrate for a week or weeks at a time, but this year I literally did celebrate for an entire week.  I made a list of fun things to do in Dallas and Fort Worth and I did them. Along the way there was also a few impulse decisions. So here we go!

Before I do thought I do have a couple of thoughts…I mean it is “Things I Think” after all…so I was reading this magazine the other day and I saw this article and it really hit home with me and made me think a lot about where I am in my life.

circle-dartSo this guy is having his 40th birthday and all he wants to do is run a marathon and try to get a PR. But his family has other plans, his brother and wife arranged for people in his life to run a mile with him. Let that sink in for a minute. So there were 26 people who ran a mile with him, which included his parents, brothers, cousins, friends from life which included college buddies and lastly his wife and kids. I thought this was so awesome, at every mile marker a new person jumped out and just started running with him. Needless to say he was shocked and he didn’t PR.

But that just got me thinking…I don’t think I have 26 people in my life that would come run a mile a me. Don’t get me wrong, I am sure you could scrounge up some people, but I am not sure I have a tribe of 26. I have a lot of acquaintances but not a lot of close friends. I think I need to fix that. I mean if I died tomorrow, who would come to my funeral? Ahhh that is a totally different post!

So on to my week of fun!

Day 9 – Top Golf

Day 8 – Rock Climbing

Day 7 – Karaoke

Day 6 – ROT Rally, rode my motorcycle 250 miles, Rode a Mechanical Bull, 6th Street ATX

Day 5 – ROT Rally, rode my motorcycle 250 miles, had pie!

Day 4 – K1 – Adult go-carts, Zero Gravity

Day 3 – Rest Day

Day 2 – Rained out, couch & movie night

Day 1 – IFLY – indoor skydiving

Birthday – Fed the homeless breakfast, got a haircut, sports massage and dinner with my parents!

Day After Birthday – Ran Spartan Sprint at Dallas Cowboys Stadium

I was going to write a brief synopsis of each event, but then I decided not to. Each had its own adventure and memories attached and video clips were taken, you can see that a little later.

circle-lightbulbFun Fact – I currently have 1,276 friends on Facebook and 209 of them posted on my wall, 7 more just sent a private message which means 216 people wished me a happy birthday which is 16.9% of my friends…

So this fun fact wasn’t meant to be upset about not getting more wishes, actually quite the opposite, this is more than I have ever had. But it poses the question, how do I have over 1000 friends that I don’t know? I mean I replied to everyone who sent a wish and I know most of them or have met 95% of them, and the ones I do not are pretty much OCR people. Things that make you go hmmm…

circle-dartNo official cake for my birthday, but I did get a cupcake mousse type thingy and a homemade chocolate pie!

circle-dartNot a ton of gifts, but that happens when you get older and you are single, but I did buy myself a kick ass new pair of sunglasses and I am going on this life changing trip in 2016!

circle-dartAwesome random things that happened to me on my birthday:

  • My 4yr old niece and my 2 yr old nephew wished me happy birthday by video!
  • A friend who can’t sing (self admittedly thinks she can’t), called me and sang to me!
  • My good friends kids, 10 yr old, 7 yr old & 5 yr old all sang to me on video!
  • I made 250+ sandwiches.
  • My birthday dinner this year was Tacos!

As I gear up for a new trip around the sun, headed for the next age group in racing, several things hit home with me this week. Some of them are great and some make you think about decisions and life choices you have made. It’s been one hell of a year for me, a lot of change, growth and self discovery. I have met  so many new people, made new friends, loved, lost and I feel pretty darned good.


I almost forgot this section this week, I struggled to think of the music to post. I have listened to Lifehouse nonstop this past week and searching for messages within each song and applying them to the current day life I have. But then I happened to put the playlist on random and this came on and it actually says everything I wanted to say about this extraordinary week.

Ron Pope – Sometimes

My name is Travis and I talk to strangers!

Things I think – Thursday AWOL Edition

Floods, Road Trips, and Funny Ass Sh!T

Oops I did it again! I know, I know I went AWOL for three solid weeks again, but I do have an excuse, I have been traveling and just too busy to write. Granted I have been writing down thoughts but I was just making a list in order to write this. So lets catch you up over the last three weeks.

Week One – Spent time traveling to Ohio in a car with one of the funniest people I have met lately. We went through Arkansas, Tennessee and Ohio. Then I raced a Spartan Race on Saturday and Sunday!

Week Two – Spent a week in Pennsylvania and had such an awesome time. I painted coffee mugs, watched a killer sunset over Lake Erie, attempted some acro-yoga and failed but haven’t laughed that hard in a long time and went to Cedar Point and rode roller coasters!

Week Three – after finally getting back, I kicked off my 9-days until my birthday do EPIC stuff week, so I missed the deadline there too…but the good news is, there is a part two today and it is all about my birthday!


Right before I left on my road trip, Texas under went a record amount of rainfall and it brought about some of the worst flooding we have had in years. One place in particular which is special to me was affected is a huge way. Luckily the two people who I hold dear in my heart were not hurt and are doing okay.  But it does make you think about the big picture of things and how quickly everything can change and totally change your life forever.

It was also great to see Texas communities coming together for those in need and help people who were affected by the flooding. Also watching my OCR friends volunteer to head down there for a weekend and help out a family in need was outstanding!

Road Trippin’

As you may know by now, I love going on roadtrips and traveling all over the place. My travels to date have mostly consisted of just places across the united states, but they are fun none the less. So when I was giving the chance to actually drive to a race, of course I took it. I had the most fun in a car I have had in a long time, lucky for me my partner in crime loves to sing and I think we sang every song on the radio. Oh yeah, and you can never here the song “Footloose” too many times!

Along with making several videos, we also did this during our road trip:

  • Arkansas Road Sign
  • Tennessee Road Sign
  • Graceland in Memphis
  • Karaoke in Nashville
  • Spartan Race in Ohio

IMG_3191After Ohio I traveled to Pennsylvania and stayed 5-days there visiting the great town of Erie. Sandwiched between a couple of work days I got to do more awesome things. I already mentioned them above but definitely going to Cedar Point was the most fun. I am glad I had the company I was with, I love roller coasters and having a super awesome partner in crime makes it even better!

 Funny ass Sh!t

So here are some random thoughts I just thought were funny over the course of the past few weeks.

  • People in PA think line dancing is country dancing! Yes I knew this was the way northern people thought when I first moved to Texas over 20 years ago, but I was asked if we could country line dance in Texas. Then I heard a country radio station advertise that they were going to be doing that…I just shook my head and laughed. No, we don’t line dance in Texas. (unless that is we are doing the electric slide or something)

circle-questionDid you know? In Salt Fork State Park in Ohio, this is the home of bigfoot? While in the gift shop at the lodge, I asked why they sold all this bigfoot stuff and why the statue in the lobby. Well, they have had “sightings” for over 100 years and even as recent as 2015…

  • Laura not knowing what Graceland was! At least she did know who Elvis was!
  • I know I touched on this before regarding athlete pages, but I also think if you have the word “Spartan” as a part of your name on any social media platform, I think you are just kinda lame. I mean think about it, that is the name of a race and a company. I know you are going to argue that you think it means you are a real spartan kinda like a warrior or something, but no, no you are not. It would be like someone putting their name to be “Dopey Sam” or maybe “Triathlon Steve” or why not one of the other races? I’d love to see someone be “Savage Joe” or “GladiatorRR Bob” or even “Battlefrog Tony”…no, no one else does it for any other of their hobbies, we don’t have “Marathon Jane” or “Scubadiver Sally” or “Motorcross Ken” so just stop it already. I am sure if your profile pic is a picture of you doing a run and you labeled it correctly in your profile, we all know already.


                                                                                                  I’ll be your top thrill                                                   (quote as seen on a shirt at Cedar Point)

  • I absolutely love the women’s world cup! Pretty much the only time I watch women’s soccer is when the cup is on! USA won the pool and now the march to the cup starts!
  • So after my recent trip to ROT (blog coming soon) I have decided to add a new event to my list of goals for this year. I am going to try to complete the Iron Butt ride before the end of summer.
  • I know this is very random, but how many people have you said “I love you” to? I was thinking of this on my ride recently, while reflecting as I usually do while I am riding and it occurred to me that I have posted a lot recently about being in love or I was in love or had been in love and my feeling on love and yeah…pretty much a lot of love stuff.  Well that tends to happen when you wear your heart on your sleeve and you give yourself over to someone with reckless abandon. But contrary to belief, I have not actually told that many people that I love them. Sure I have had feelings for someone and I may have said I was falling or whatever, but at the end of the day, after 44 years, I have only told 9 (nine) women that I loved them. That is pretty much since I was 16 and I have to say some of the love I threw out there then, isn’t anything like how I think love is now (3 before 20YOA, is that even really possible?) So now I am wondering if that is a high number or a low number? I first thought it was pretty low, but now I am not so sure. What is your number?
  • So I discovered the key to making our kids in this country smarter! It is bribing them with Pizza and Movies! Okay this was pretty funny when I saw it, so I am just going to leave this here…IMG_3043 IMG_2499
  • I also discovered a new thing…while in Erie, PA, I decided to go walking and I found that they have pizza joints on like every corner! So if I ever go to visit again, I am going on a walkabout, a pizza walking tour and I am going to try a slice at each place!

circle-lightbulbFun Fact! If you need your house cleaned, dishes washed, light bulbs replaced, trash taken out…apparently all you need to do is invite me over and my OCD takes over and things seem to get done…flaw or great quality?


So this week in honor or one of my favorite bands Lifehouse releasing a new album, I am going to list my top songs I love off the new album.

Lifehouse – Hurricane

Lifehouse – Firing Squad

Lifehouse – Wish

Lifehouse – Hourglass

Lifehouse – Hindsight

I know 5 songs is a lot, but these are my favorite so far, but there are a couple more that I like as well.

Things I Think – Thursday 5/20/15

Funerals, Bikers, Love, Pie and Great Friendships

I apologize for not writing last week, I had to attend the funeral of my great Uncle Orman Blythe. So many great things happened that week too, but I was unable to finish and frankly I was not motivated to complete it before Thursday. So this week is a mash up of everything and yes once again I have a section of love, I swear I may never get another blog post without some type of mention of love. Oh the tragedy of being a hopeless romantic!


Yes it is a sad day when you have to attend a funeral, especially of a relative. But one thing I learned, is sometimes not all funerals are all that sad. Don’t get me wrong, losing a loved one has to be one of the hardest things to experience, but in this case my great uncle “Bly” was 93 years old and lived a spectacular life.  He is only outlived by my great aunt (his sister) who is 97! My uncle was in WWII and a member of the Waco Police Department for over 30 years. He lived an awesome life, loved his children, grand children and great grand children. Now he is with the love of his life again and I am sure happier than ever.  With full military honors, it was definitely a funeral that took your breath away once taps started playing. We will miss you Uncle Orman!


I have been a “Biker” since I was 16 years old. I may not be the “Hells Angels” type of guy you typically think of when you hear the term biker, but that doesn’t mean I am also just a weekend yuppie. Yes I take trips all over the country, yes I wear leathers and yes I have tattoos. Just because a chosen few give most of us a bad reputation, the majority of people who ride motorcycles are not bad people. My mother is a “biker”, my father is a “biker”, and my brother is a “biker” and I have a ton of friends who ride. We are not criminals, we are not Sons of Anarchy material, but we ride.

So it is a shame that the situation in Waco happened last weekend. Everyone has a point of view, I think there are still a lot of questions that need to be answered but at the end of the day, please do not crucify the rest of us for the poor decisions of others. I would argue that there are probably 80% or higher of motorcycle clubs who do nothing but charity work and charity rides. The Patriot Guard Riders with whom I also ride with, are not bad people. So don’t be afraid of someone on an motorcycle and please watch out for them.

Speaking of biker stuff, if you happen to be in Washington D.C. this weekend, it is the annual Rolling Thunder ride. They honor the POW/MIA along with anyone who has served and was lost during our wars, conflicts or whatever you call what we are currently doing. I expect there to be close to a million motorcycles there for the parade which starts at the Pentagon and ends up at the Vietnam Memorial Wall. I have partaken in this even four separate times and every time it was more breathtaking and emotional than the time before.  If you get a chance, grab your lawn chair and watch the parade, salute the veterans and enjoy the sound of rolling thunder echo throughout D.C..

Random thought of the day

circle-questionI think pregnant women are smoking hot. Although I have not experienced it yet, I believe that any woman pregnant with my child…would be sooo smoking hot to me!         #justsayin 


So when I was at my uncle’s funeral, there was a poem in the program, which was my uncles favorite poem. The poem is called “The Dash” by Linda Ellis. Below you will find the whole thing, but here is an excerpt that I love the most.

quoteFor it matters not, how much we own,
the cars…the house…the cash.
What matters is how we live and love
and how we spend our dash.

Let that sink in for a minute. I think I have mentioned this a few weeks back, crazy, it doesn’t matter what we own or what we have all that matters is how we spend our dash. Go ahead and read the poem if you must but in a nut shell it talks about how we are born and we die and what we do in between those to dots or end points is our dash.

Well you know how I am living my dash, you see it every week. You think I am crazy, I am a traveler, an adventurer and seeker of fun. Well I say YOLO!! When you come to my funeral, I hope you know I lived my life to the fullest and I truly had no regrets in life.  Which leads me to the next favorite verse here:

quoteAnd be less quick to anger
and show appreciation more
and love the people in our lives
like we’ve never loved before. 

Another example of what I have been trying to do. One of my goals for the year was to love harder.  I think I have been doing that exceptionally well! So if you are in my life and have become more than just an acquaintance, get ready for the wild ride and know I choose carefully the people in my life, so I love all my friends and would give anything for them.

Without further ado…here is the poem:

​The Dash
by Linda Ellis copyright 1996

​I read of a man who stood to speak
at the funeral of a friend.
He referred to the dates on the tombstone
from the beginning…to the end.

He noted that first came the date of birth
and spoke the following date with tears,
but he said what mattered most of all
was the dash between those years.

For that dash represents all the time
that they spent alive on earth.
And now only those who loved them
know what that little line is worth.

For it matters not, how much we own,
the cars…the house…the cash.
What matters is how we live and love
and how we spend our dash.

So, think about this long and hard.
Are there things you’d like to change?
For you never know how much time is left
that can still be rearranged.

If we could just slow down enough
to consider what’s true and real
and always try to understand
​the way other people feel.

And be less quick to anger
and show appreciation more
and love the people in our lives
like we’ve never loved before. 

If we treat each other with respect
and more often wear a smile,
remembering that this special dash
might only last a little while.

​So, when your eulogy is being read,
with your life’s actions to rehash…
would you be proud of the things they say
about how you spent YOUR dash?

When I was at my uncles funeral, a friend messaged me to give condolences and then as we were chatting asked me this question which caught me totally off guard “What was his greatest accomplishment?” I was stumped for a second and I wasn’t sure what to answer, so I asked my cousin (his daughter) this question and her answer was “Finding my mom”.  She thought that over his WWII service, his 30 years as a decorated police officer, finding his true love as she put it was his greatest accomplishment. Then the stories went of them cooking in the kitchen, vacations, how family oriented he was and how he loved his family more than anything. A marriage that lasted 57 years and only because his sweet Dot passed away did it not go on longer. I admire that, I admire that a whole hell of a lot. Finding love is so difficult and to have it that long is amazing and something I hope to have someday. Love Hard…live your dash…


pieTwo weeks ago on our roadtrip to Austin (coming soon) we stopped at one of my favorite restaurants on the backroads to ATX.  So the new motto after this trip is “Pie Fixes Everything” and now I firmly believe it does. So if you are having a bad day, just go and get yourself a nice piece of pie! (PHRASING!)

 Great Friendships

Friendships seem to be hard to come by for me at times, sure I have a lot of acquaintances but if you know me really well and have reached my inner circle, that is saying something. With that said, over the last year I have submerged myself into racing and traveling and the whole OCR world. I have met and become friends with people all over the country. Over the past two weekends I have met some new people who I am sure are going to be good friends and I also created bonds with current friends which have only grown stronger.

IMG_1058I am so proud of my friend Melissa, she asked me one month out from her event to hold her accountable. So we started training once a week together. I put together a program to work on her trouble spots and we worked on her breathing. This was her redemption race as she called it. She wanted to do it without help and all by herself. So we trained, trained and trained.  On race day she wouldn’t let me go with her, she wanted to be alone. So I waited. I figured what her time might be and I camped out at the finish line. I even made friends stay with me and we all waited. Then we saw her, she struggled on the last couple obstacles and did burpees, but she knocked them out like no ones business. I was able to give her, her medal as she crossed the finish and a great big hug. She had no idea that I was going to be there, or anyone for that matter. But as a coach, how could I not. One of the best feelings in the world is watching someone accomplish something they worked so hard for and you helped them attain it. Plus this woman holds a special place in my heart, last year when I finished the Spartan World Championships in Vermont, after 7 hours and 43 minutes, she was the only person there.  She was cheering and hugged me as I crossed. When you are tired and nearly exhausted, that is the best feeling in the world. I was very happy to be a part of her redemption race! Congrats Melissa!

One of the highlights of the second weekend was getting to walk the second super with my friend Meg. With my torn up ankle and she had calf issues, she talked me into walking the super. One of the best times I have had in a while, just not being overly competitive, but hanging out with a good friend for 3 hours while having fun. We even finished the fire jump with dueling cannonballs!

Other friendships sometimes take a different turn.  My friend Natasha and I ran the sprint on Saturday and now have a bond forever. She truly inspires me, when I think my life is bad, well it is not.  If you want to read about our adventure, you can read it here.

Finally, I have to say I have met some pretty incredible people over the last couple of weeks.  But a huge shout-out goes to the friend who set their alarm the morning of my race because they know I get up super early, I mean I get up at 3am. Just to talk to you, just to say good luck, keep you company as you prepare for your race. These people are very rare…keep them.

Another random thought:

circle-questionHave you ever spoken to someone so dumb you had to squint to listen?



Now or Never – Phoebe Ryan

Fearless – Jochen Miller


My name is Travis and I talk to strangers!

Things I Think – Thursday 5/7/15

Boxing, Eating Healthy, ISIS in Texas, Just Being Okay, and This

So I had planned to not write anything about being in love or relationships or any of that stuff this week since I had been in both of the previous posts. But dang it, crap happens, people ask me for advice (why I have no idea, have you seen my track record?) and BAM! I have thoughts. So here goes this week…


By now everyone knows what happened in the May-Pac fight last Saturday.  I for one can honestly say this was the first time since Mike Tyson fought that I have attended a house party to watch a boxing match. Too bad this fight should have happened years ago when they were both better fighters. But needless to say, we all crowded around the TV and watched for something EPIC. Well I can say I had not laughed that hard in a long time. The fight, well that was just ridiculous, it was boring and May2842614200000578-0-image-a-114_1430627226447weather just hugged and danced and occasionally threw a punch.  No, what I am talking about are the entrances by both people. Now that was some funny ass shit. First you have Pac, with Jimmy Kimmel looking all tough as his celebrity tough guy. Seriously he looked like one of the guys from Run DMC! But the all-time best was the selfie right before they entered the arena. The trainer, Pac and Kimmel…priceless.

Oh yeah and on the other side, Mayweather we all knew he had the Biebs in his corner, but when they first turn on the camera as he starts to come out, we don’t see that turd, no we see Burger King. The third funniest thing all night! Seriously, Burger King walked Mayweather to the ring…

So to me this says just one thing, in this age of social media and self promotion, we can’t even be serious in sports anymore because everyone is trying so hard to get noticed. In reality the “Selfie” was an advertisement by Samsung.  I thought Pac looked ridiculous and so did his one corner man who looked like a NASCAR driver with all of the logos covering his jacket and he has on compression sleeves (with advertisement) I mean really? Where is the fighter like Tyson was, you know, black shorts, no socks and a freaking towel for a robe, that he cut the center out of to wear like a poncho. Now that was a fighter. Yes boxing is dead, nobody cares anymore and I miss great fighters like Marvelous Marvin Hagler and Tommy “Hitman” Hearns. I think I would rather watch Rocky IX than anymore PPV boxing matches.

Eating Healthy

I have always had a very high metabolism. I usually eat anything I want and I have been okay with that. When I started this fitness journey about 5 years ago, it was simply because I was tired of my spare tire and I wanted to get active again. I spent basically 9-years doing nothing but sitting on the couch. So one of the first things I started to do was just eat better. I cut out the fried foods and soda as much as I could, but I still ate just about anything.

So I have been on cruise control through this journey until the end of last year. Then something amazing happened to me.  I met someone who for all intents and purposes, changed my life. It might sound silly but being around someone who eats healthy food seriously changed my eating habits and put me on the right path. I like to think I try new things, but in reality I don’t, I know I don’t eat seafood, in fact I don’t even try it.  I have preconceived notions of things either my family put in my head or I had a bad experience with. So I eat the same ole same ole.

I have a friend whose kids eat at the same three places every week. They eat the same foods every-time. My change started there, with trying to get them to eat more than chips and queso. I called it “Trying new things” and it worked some. Fast forward and I was asked to eat things like asparagus, artichokes and salads with kale and spinach. WTF? Can you be serious right now? I don’t that crap, don’t vegetarians eat that stuff? But you know it all goes back to the kids, they are like sponges and often times they repeat or like what you do. So once again the “trying new things” even if it was one bite came into effect.

But more than just trying new food, I am now in love with it. Sweet potatoes, umm yes please! Kale, I friggin’ love it! Artichokes, it gives me gas but hey I eat the crap out of it now and asparagus, I’ll eat it if cooked just right! But more than just the food, I am cooking it better by using coconut oil. I spent the first three months of this year eating stuff that I never would have eaten in the past. But it’s not only the food, I also cut out a lot of toxic things as well. Then in the past few months, I have met some uber heathly people, chefs who cook amazing healthy food and they have introduced me to more things. The kicker in all of this? I have embraced the “try new things” to a whole new level. I actually ate fish and calamari…and liked it! So thank you to all of you who have guided me to these new foods and way of life. Yes it is a way of life, not a diet.  Sure I have my cheat meals too, I mean come one I love pizza and cheeseburgers!

At the time of writing this I had an awesome call with a trainer and nutritionist who is going to further help with my nutrition and meal plan. I am super excited and I will have more details once we get my plan going. This is going to be awesome and hopefully will give me that boost I need. I have known this guy for years and we started talking over supplements, who actually has good products, who has good marketing and what I need for my performance. But before we do that, time to straighten the diet!

ISIS in Texas

All I can say is, hahahahahahaha! You really think you can come to Texas and try to strike fear into us? Seriously? In case you have not heard, two guys show up to a “draw Muhammad” cartoon contest in Garland, Texas in full body armor and start shooting. Well all it took was one police officer and a couple of shots and they were down. One 60 year old, 38 year veteran doing what he was trained to do. He neutralized the threat and nobody was seriously injured.  Now these ISIS folks claim more is to come and they have people everywhere…blah blah blah. I read today they plan on taking out all of the defenders of the Cross. Well, all I can say is that this is Texas and we have guns too, hell most of us have concealed permits and yes we can shoot also. The notion you want to destroy Texas is kinda funny actually, I mean we are almost our own country and even after all of our military bases and local law enforcement, you have all of us and yes we also have assault rifles and we probably can shoot them better that you can.  #Texasforever

Just okay

I think it is kind of ironic that I have friends that ask me for advice about relationships and life and things and stuff.  I don’t think of myself as Ann Landers by any means, I mean my own track record is nothing to write home about, but maybe it is because I am not afraid to put myself out there and I give 100% in everything I do. With that being said, I spoke with a couple different friends about the whole “life is too short” topic and spending time with people who matter. In the end we all came to the same conclusion.  If you are in a relationship because it is safe, easy, not complicated, and comfortable, but you are unhappy…what is the point? There seems to be two options, stay and make it work (because relationships are work and you need to talk shit out) or move on. Most of us don’t like the moving on piece because we have to change everything and we are all afraid of change.  Besides sometimes there is a reason you are with that person, it is not like we are in arranged marriages or relationships like 500 years ago.

My advice to my friends, was simple, you need to talk it out. Don’t let if fester and then you just explode, don’t live unhappy. I did it and it is no the way to go. Tell them you are unhappy and then make a plan to fix it. It doesn’t always work out, but in the end we need to be happy.  I truly believe in the “No Regrets” policy. I don’t want to regret that I shoulda, coulda, woulda, done something.

I can talk all day about this, but I came across this little saying and it spoke volumes to me and I hope it does to you as well.



I came across this the other day and I had to think and reflect on it a bit. Someday, somewhere…this…

I love you for everything baby … I want you to be and have positive thoughts … Everything will fall into place …It’s gonna be hard .. But smile be positive and think of me .. And us.

I love you because :
You’re strong.
You’re beautiful.

I love you because even on my worst days, when I just want to throw in life’s towel and give up on everything, you’re always there, still cheering me on.

I love you because even though you’re all of the way over there, and I’m all of the way over here, you’ll always be with me.

I love you because you know I love you.

I love you because even when I’ve failed to provide more recent reasons for my affection, you still know how much I care.

I love you because even if you deserve and could easily have better, you still choose and love me everyday.

I love you because even though the distance and time apart seems so much harder after each visit, my love for you grows more and more with each passing moment.

I love you because I’d give my life just to have one single breath of you.

I love you because you are more to me than you will ever understand. You’re everything.

I love you because I don’t want to be the center of anyone’s attention but yours.

I love you because I’m with you now; you can shut your eyes knowing I always will be.

I love you because you’re making my fantasies come true. I Just care about having them with you

I love you because my hand fits perfectly in yours.

I love you because we’re going to make all of our dreams come true together

I love you and I go out of my way to try and impress you.

I love you because your eyes are not only beautiful for aesthetic reasons, but when you look me in the eyes I feel like you know me better than anyone else.

I love you because you believe in me.

I love because you love me and we argue over who loves each other the most.

I love you because we can talk about our future together comfortably. Because we both know that not only can we last long enough to have a future together-BUT WE WILL.

~Anonymously Once Upon A Time… Do they live happily ever after? One could hope this day and age….


I debated what to feature this week, old school, new releases or just my favorites.  So I threw in one of each!

Michael Jackson – Rock With You

Hootie and the Blowfish – Hold my Hand

Better than Ezra – Crazy Lucky

Things I Think – Thursday 4/30/15

Riots, Relationships, Workouts, Athlete Pages and Spartan Koolaid

I have gathered my thoughts for a week and here is what I think this week.


All I can say is that I am totally disgusted with the ignorant people who live in our country. Now that one city has done it, people everywhere are going to act like a bunch of heathens and burn cities to the ground.  This is absolutely the stupidest thing I have ever seen. I think everyone arrested or identified as stealing and looting needs to have their homes and cars confiscated and put in jail. How are they gonna feel losing everything. Sure the situation surrounding the riot is heartbreaking, but how about a little faith in our justice system and that the investigation into the death will be dealt with.  It makes me sick that we have these idiots ruining our country. Lastly, kudos to the police and the national  guard. That moron that got snatched up on CNN was epic. More of that is needed! I mean why is everyone crying foul? Curfew was 10pm, it was like 10:38pm and he was out on the street in violation of the law, I don’t care what he was saying whether it was peaceful or derogatory, it was past curfew and they arrested his ass. So…what is the problem?


I have thought a lot lately about relationships, mostly because I recently have gone through some shit. No worries this isn’t a woe is me post and I am not crying. But I do have another revelation which has caused me to re-evaluate how I approach things moving forward.  You see this may come as a shocker to the people who know me best, but I am a stubborn son of a bitch.  Which isn’t always a bad thing, but it can lead to some serious headbutting. With that being said here is my new profound approach to how I am going to think moving forward. It all comes down to these simple three questions I need to ask myself.

  1. Do you love this person
  2. Do you love this person enough to want to spend an extremely long amount of time with them…IE married or just 40 years or so.
  3. Does the love you have for this person make you want to embed them into your life so much you see yourself having a family. Either a new created one or just make two parts one whole and then establish an existing one.

So let me break this down and explain more in detail. #1 seems pretty simple right? Well sometimes you can think you are in love and in actually you are in love with an idea. That was me last year.  You know you are in love, when you want to shout from the rooftops to tell the world. You are not embarrassed to be around them and you want all of your friends to meet that person. It also means you drive over 4 hours at the drop of the hat, because all you want to is see that person and when you get there, it is a surprise and you don’t say anything except this “I just wanted to to tell you that I am madly, deeply in love with you and I wanted to know and I couldn’t wait another minute” you know that whole “if tomorrow never comes” type of thing.

I know #2 and #3 may seem like the same thing, but they are not. I want a family, that is not a surprise to anyone who knows me. Of course I want to have my own children, sometimes life throws you curve balls, so in the end if I never have my own, but I come across someone who already does, I would be just as content being in their lives and making them better human beings.


So why am I on my soapbox? I am sure to most people this makes perfect sense and they already know this…well my friends this is my blog and it is what I am thinking! Seriously though, here is my revelation, outside of those three things, nothing else really matters.  It doesn’t matter if you live in a 3000 sq foot home or a 900 sq foot apartment,  big city living or life in the country. It doesn’t matter if you live in Texas, Colorado or take up a gypsy lifestyle and travel the world. None of that matters, because in the end all that matters is that you are with that person.  So from now on I am open to the possibilities of grand adventure, you want to buy a bus and travel the country…lets go, as long as we are together it’s all okay.

We all have our 3, 5, 10 year plans and honestly we all have goals and tasks we need to get ahead in life. I have a ton of goals in which I want to carry out both in my personal and professional life. But then again when this crazy world throws at you a curve ball, you know like telling you what you had planned is great and all, now go do it while trying to fit this love in your life.

So this leads me to my second thought,  compromise. Embedding another person into your daily life is difficult, you find that things start to change, your schedule gets off and you start to wonder “what the hell.” Happens a lot, mixing in is a struggle. But here is the deal, I learned a valuable lesson, I can’t always help people, I have to learn the balance between trying to make someone’s life easier and completely taking it over to do things my way.  So I need to compromise better, understand that things can be a certain way and its really okay.  We all have to make sacrifices sometimes and the hard part is determining what you can live without and what you can’t. Trust me, don’t wait until it is too late to figure this out. I often do this, I don’t see it until I reflect on things long after the fact.  Because in the end all that matters is that you are together and living a happy life.  This saying pretty much sums up everything I want, no relationship! I want a partner and partners work together to make it awesome.

Photo Apr 26, 23 16 51


I am sure you can tell I have hit the workout thing a bit more aggressively than usual. I hate to post crap about me doing workouts and what not, because for the most part, everyone pretty much knows I workout to run the races. I am not a trainer, I am not a leader of a fitness movement, but recently I had another revelation (I know right like two of these suckers in a short time!) and I do like to humble-brag some on my accomplishments.

But first and foremost I need to apologize to some people and if they actually read this, you know who you are.  You see last summer I really became serious about getting better. Not because I wanted to win money or be this great “Elite” athlete, but because I am somewhat competitive (I know shocker) I wanted to just do better at races. Well you know what happened, the winter came and I went into hibernation mode. The time change and cold weather really demotivate me. But I did have this accountability partner who actually got me moving this winter. We only butted heads over gym workouts versus running. I am not a huge gym and weights guy, in fact I normally don’t do anything except run and the occasional push-ups and pull-ups.  So yes I was an ass, I was stubborn and I failed. I failed because I didn’t do anything the whole month of February. This caused so much discontent and animosity and I added on my “winter weight” and once march hit it was ugly. I started to run again in March because I knew I had at least 2-races.

So March was an eye opener for me, I had my first DNF. I didn’t posses the tools to complete the obstacles. This fueled my fire, I kinda went nuts.  I was already heating a healthier lifestyle thanks to my awesome nutritionist [yes she changed my life (now you know this too) and I’m eating things I had never eaten before] but now it was on overdrive. I was reading more on it, asking questions and getting advice. Plus I invested in more training tools, stuff I can take out on the trails with me and busting out the old P90X workouts.

Needless to say I came back stronger at my next event and beasted it. So now that you see me going to the gym (I still hate them) to get stretched out or doing these homemade workouts, it isn’t because I never wanted to do it in the past or that it was anyone in particular. I just switched gears and found out there are things I needed to change in order to get better. I learned that osmosis does not work.  So I sincerely apologize to everyone that I was an asshat to over the winter, you were right and I was wrong. But it took me failing to see that. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for inspiring me to get off my ass and actually put work in. Things like:

quote“You now know what you need to do, what to train on, go do it and come back stronger”

“Not Today”

“You know if you trained more you would be a beast”

At the end of the day also, I am still a better coach than I will ever be an athlete and inspiring others to be their best is a lot more rewarding. So come workout with me, push me harder, make me better and I guarantee I will do the same with you. I love making others better!

Athlete Pages

So this is going to piss off a bunch of people including really good friends I have…but WHY!!!!???? I mean I get that we are all athletes but no one is truly a professional. I mean unless you are not working a normal job and devoting your whole life to racing like my friend KK Stewart-Paul, then yes you can have an athlete page. But I mean some of the people I see with pages I just have to ask what the purpose is? What do you post there? I mean are you trying to inspire people or make a difference in their lives with something or is it just a vanity thing? It makes me think…hey look at me! I just don’t get the point, especially coming from someone who works in social media and has a pretty big grasp on the concept of what channels you use what for. I mean I could see if you wanted to stop the friend requests and keep your Facebook page a little more private to close friends and family, why then you would start pushing people to your athlete page to keep up with your OCR life. But no one is doing that. If you still are accepting friend requests from people all over the country, most of whom you have never met, then what is the point? I mean I am sure you women get 100’s of requests because your profile pic is usually in booty shorts and sports bras. What do you expect there? Of course everyone wants to be your friend, they want to creep your pictures. But I mean if you have 3000 friends and 2000 or so are OCR people, I don’t get it.

I think this would be like me starting a page Travis Blythe Dirtbike rider or Travis Blythe Snow Skier. Afterall those are my hobbies too, or wait I could also be Travis Blythe Scuda diver. I could even add the word “Elite” to it and damn I would sound like a total badass!

Note to you amateur facecrack people with Athlete pages, if you post on your personal page all of your workouts and accomplishments and pictures for everyone to see, then what are you doing on your athlete page? If you double post, then why on earth am I ever going to go over to your athlete page? It will always be the same content, come on people get with the program here, either learn how to use social media or stop with the athlete pages. Most of you are just weekend warriors anyway, stick to letting me live vicariously through our friendship and creeping through your feeds instead of random athlete page posts. And if you are tired of me posting my race pics or dirtbike pics or skiing pics or riding my Harley pics, well tough noogies, it is my page and this is my life and I will share with you as I seem fit and what I see fit. Unfriend  me or hide me from your feed if you must, but no I will not create an athlete page just to post my weekend hobby adventures on.

Spartan Koolaid

After the Las Vegas Super and having run Houston and Dallas Battlefrog, I have to say I have stopped drinking the Spartan Koolaid. In fact I poured that shit out. I am now on a steady diet of frog juice! Yes I know, I know I am still running like 6 more Spartan races this year, but I have to tell you the luster is gone. Last year was all about getting the “Trifecta” and even this year everyone was on the “how many can I get this year.” Well I am here to tell you that I could care less. If my schedule stays the same, I am on track to get one, yes one trifecta. I will have a bunch of supers and sprints but I only have one beast to date on the calendar.  Truthfully I do not care, the only way that changes is if I do something epic like go to Hawaii and try to do a trifecta weekend just to see if I can. (I know I can, it’s just wanting to actually do it) So Spartan out, Battlefrog in.


Here is my weekly contribution to music that I like!

Ron Pope – If you were a stone

Boyce Ave – Speed Limit


It is funny to me how music can mean such different things at different times in your life. Last summer when I was having some difficulty making a transition into a new life I remember hearing some music and how it made me feel. Then a mere 6 months later I hear the same song, the same words and the meaning is totally different.  Funny how the universe works that way. Tomorrow I could hear that song and it takes on new meaning again because life has changed again. Then on the flip side of all that, there is that one song, you totally bonded with someone over and how no matter where you are or what you are doing, that song makes you remember them. I mean they could have killed your cat or boiled rabbits on your stove, but all you remember was the epic good things like how your epic first kiss tasted or the most passionate love-making you had…or I could be wrong and you never forget the rabbits.

My name is Travis and I talk to strangers.